1alien adj \ˈā-lē-ən, ˈāl-yən\
Definition of ALIEN
1 a: belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : strange b: relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government : foreign c: exotic 1
2 : differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility
3 :— alien·ly adverb
— alien·ness \-lē-ən-nəs, -yən-nəs\noun
Examples of ALIEN
1. <new immigrants with customs alien to the community where they have settled>
2. <it's completely alien to her nature to wish evil of anyone>
3. <the truth is out there>
Origin of ALIEN
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin alienus, from alius
First Known Use: 14th century
an·throp·ic adj \an-ˈthrä-pik\
Definition of ANTHROPIC
: of or relating to human beings or the period of their existence on earth
Greek anthrōpikos, from anthrōpos
Variants of ANTHROPIC
an·throp·ic or an·throp·i·cal \-pi-kəl\
First Known Use: circa 1806
anthropic principle
: either of two principles in cosmology: a: conditions that are observed in the universe must allow the observer to exist - called also weak anthropic principle b: the universe must have properties that make inevitable the existence of intelligent life - called also strong anthropic
adj \ˈā-lē-ən -ˈthrä-pik\
Definition of ALIENTHROPIC
: of or relating to extraterrestrial beings or the period of their existence on or not on this earth
alien·throp·ic or alien·throp·i·cal \-pi-kəl\
First Known Use: circa 2012
alienthropic principle
: either of two principles in cosmology: a: conditions that are observed in the universe must allow the alien observer to exist - called also weak alienthropic principle b: the universe must have properties that make inevitable the existence of alien intelligent life - called also strong alienthropic
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